Coming Soon!

Imagine as an ice cream man you could inform 30 people at a time of the next stop you are heading to 4 minutes before you arrive. Giving them a good enough time to find their shoes, grab their wallet or purse and ask everyone in the house who wants an ice cream. Then by the time you arrive there even if only a dozen out of the 30 you informed turned up that’s still a massive percentage based on what you achieve at the moment. With our newly designed App you can do just that. You can inform customers well in advance who live around the stop you are heading for next, giving them plenty of time to make a decision and already be there waiting by the time you arrive. No more complaints from the council about noisy Chime being played too loud or too late or too often. With the Cheeky grin app you begin to establish a dialogue and a relationship with your customers you never had before. Because previously the customers never knew when you were going to turn up or they didn’t hear the chimes or there was no consistency and they were not prepared to suddenly drop everything and dart through the door half-dressed because you had bothered to show up at random. That is no basis for a give and take supply and demand selling of your commodity.
We have developed a mobile app called CHEEKY GRIN Which will make it so much easier to alert people to the ice cream van rather than play the chimes music (Which councils restrict the playing of at certain times and at certain levels) After leafleting batches of houses on the stops that the ice cream makes. All you have to do is press one button and each time you come to one of your stops between 20 to 50 potential customers receive a ping message saying the ice cream man will be outside their house at the usual stop in about 4 minutes. By giving people a fair warning means, they wont be asleep, or in the shower, or out shopping, or half way through a meal, or just putting the big film on. It means they plan around your arrival like never before. It means when you enter the housing estate or area where they live, they can track how far you are away and work out how long they have before you arrive. Thus making it more convenient for them to plan an ice cream for dessert or an ice cream as a reward for the kids being good. For the people who either don’t wish to track you or don’t know how to they will simply receive a ping message alerting them to the fact that you are only 4 minutes away. Get the new CHEEKY GRIN APP today!